People Connection Services – L'homme au service de l'homme

Help your business

transform and become more efficient




Recruitment management

Nous assurons le processus de recrutement pour les staffs nationaux comme internationaux (End to End), dès la publication de l’offre a la mise à disposition de la main d’œuvre.

Capacity Building

We organize trainings in different areas to strengthen the capacities of our clients' employees. The trainings are adapted according to the needs of each client.

Personnel Administration

We organize trainings in different areas to strengthen the capacities of our clients' employees. The trainings are adapted according to the needs of each client.

Compensation management

We develop for you various strategies to be implemented to position the remuneration of your Company in relation to the market.

Organizational development

Any organizational change takes time, energy and good planning. The People Connection Services team can help you manage and plan your actions.


Nous offrons à nos clients des services informatique de qualité  à moindre cout dans l’administration, la conception et le développement des bases des données et site web professionnel.

We Build Lasting Relationships Between Candidates & Companies

Chez People Connection Services, nous sommes conscients qu’il peut être très complexe de mettre en place un processus rigoureux de selection de candidats. Nous voulons vous aider à l’organiser. Avec nos conseils, vous serez en mesure de recruter de bons candidats pour les postes que vous avez à combler.

Whether your business is starting out in business or opening new positions, you need to follow a rigorous process that allows you to select the best possible employees for the positions you want to fill.


They trust us

Contact us

To Help your business transform and become more efficient.

Working hours

Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

We are here :

Kinshasa / Gombe, Boulevard Du 30 Juin
7eme niveau, immeuble SANASH
Phone : +243 856262220
Phone : +243 810000991
